Friday, February 4, 2011

This is the End

As I quickly approach the end of my two year posting in Barmer, Rajasthan working at SURE I have been reflecting on what I was able to accomplish during this time. My exit report lists two pages of items that I feel (optimistically) were positive changes and relationships that I was involved with. But while I do cherish these accomplishments, I was not totally satisfied when I left SURE the first time (back in June 2010 to work with VSO India and the UNDP on a special project in Delhi) as my main suggestion, one in which the SURE leadership agreed with, was that a new Executive Director be placed in the organization, offering them a new level of professionalism and fund raising capacity, was not met.
VSO India had lined up three CSOs in Jharkhand for me to work with and I began my preliminary work with them when Mr. Mag Raj Jain called me to ask me to meet with him and Lata Kachhawaha  (Secretary and Joint-Secretary respectively) in Barmer.
At that meeting they told me that they now fully agreed that a new ED was needed at SURE and would I come back to recruit one.  Well I did return and cutting to the chase, Mr. Amit Sharma from Jodhpur was selected for the post, one in which he too accepted. So if I may toot my own horn at this time, this was the proverbial feather in the cap of my work and I leave SURE on Feb 14th with a nice sense of completion and am satisfied that if Mr. Sharma and SURE’s Executive Committee can work with each other, then SURE will flourish to the potential I have always seen in it.  I wish them all the best good luck.

Next: Chengdu, Sichuan, China at the Chengdu Urban River Association for one year. Stay tuned for a new BLOG on this adventure.

Traveler, there are no roads, roads are made by travelling. – Spanish Proverb

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